June 6, 2020

118 words 1 min read



Compilation of R and Python programming codes

repo name dataprofessor/code
repo link https://github.com/dataprofessor/code
language Jupyter Notebook
size (curr.) 29681 kB
stars (curr.) 56
created 2019-12-01


This is a compilation of R programming codes used on the Data Professor YouTube channel tutorial videos.

Folder Description
iris Codes for performing exploratory data analysis (so as to gain data understanding) and for building classification models of the Iris dataset.
dhfr Codes for performing exploratory data analysis (so as to gain data understanding) and for building classification models of the Iris dataset.
python Codes for various Python data science project tutorials.
shiny Codes for building web applications in R with shiny package.

Note: More to come. Please stay tuned!

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