January 7, 2020

112 words 1 min read



The official repo for english Deep Learing course materials by Deep Learning School (PSAMI MIPT, Russia)

repo name DLSchool/dlschool_english
repo link https://github.com/DLSchool/dlschool_english
language Jupyter Notebook
size (curr.) 30537 kB
stars (curr.) 12
created 2019-03-31


The official repo for english Deep Learing course by Deep Learning School (PSAMI MIPT, Russia).


  1. Python Basics
  2. Linear algebra and NumPy package
  3. Machine Learning Basics
  4. Linear Models for classification and regression tasks
  5. One neuron: structure, activation functions and learning
  6. Multilayer Neural Networks
  7. Neural Networks practice: datasets, dropout and useful techniques
  8. Convolutional Neural Networks basics
  9. Transfer Learning for CNN in Imagr Classification task
  10. Applications of AI in Computer Vision: object detection, segmentation and style transfer
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