March 14, 2020

548 words 3 mins read



RIVM reported numbers on the Coronavirus outbreak in The Netherlands

repo name J535D165/CoronaWatchNL
repo link
language Python
size (curr.) 48157 kB
stars (curr.) 31
created 2020-03-06

Coronavirus disease in The Netherlands based on RIVM reports


The current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that was first reported from Wuhan, China, on 31 December 2019. On 27 February 2019, a patient in The Netherlands was diagnosed with the coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment). Within a week, more than a hundred cases were confirmed. The RIVM reports the number of positive cases on its website.

Since 3 March, RIVM reports the number of diagnoses with the coronavirus and their municipality of residence on a daily base. The data contains the total number of positively tested patients. It is not a dataset with the current number of sick people in the Netherlands. The RIVM does not currently provide data on people who have been cured. ~The raw numbers can be found on the government-owned website The most recent numbers can be found at

This project :exclamation: Daily updates :exclamation:

At the moment of writing, RIVM and don’t publish datasets with the date of diagnosis on their websites. Therefore, it is hard to get an overview of development in time (and municipality). This information is important to journalists and scientists as well as for the public. Therefore, this project downloads the latest numbers from the website of the RIVM every hour and pushes the data to this repo. Please see the folder raw_data/ for the non-processed data downloaded from RIVM. The folder data/ contains processed datasets ready to use for analysis.


For academic use, please use DOI and see the section License and academic use

Get involved

Help on this project is appreciated. We are looking for new graphs, maps, enriched datasets and interactive visualisations. Please report issues in the Issue Tracker. Want to contribute? Please check out the help wanted tag in the Issue Tracker.

See and /.github/workflows for technical details regarding data collection and scheduling.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Graphs

The following graphs show the development of Coronavirus on a daily basis. The underlying data can be found in the data folder. The graphs are updated on an hourly basis and were generated automatically. Please validate the numbers in the graphs before publishing. See the license section for information about sharing the graphs.


Click here for a subpage with all descriptive plots

Descriptive plots


Click here for a subpage with all maps

Map plots


Click here fore a subpage with all forecasts


License and academic use

The graphs and data are licensed CC0. The original data is copyright RIVM.

For academic use, use presistent data from DOI. This is a persistent copy of the data. Version number refer to the date. Please cite:

De Bruin, J. (2020). Number of diagnoses with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in The Netherlands (Version v2020.3.15) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Image from iXimus via Pixabay


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