October 27, 2019

1651 words 8 mins read



The Bosque programming language is an experiment in regularized design for a machine assisted rapid and reliable software development lifecycle.

repo name microsoft/BosqueLanguage
repo link https://github.com/microsoft/BosqueLanguage
language TypeScript
size (curr.) 11549 kB
stars (curr.) 4679
created 2019-03-10
license Other

Bosque Programming Language

Licensed under the MIT License PR’s Welcome Build Status

The Bosque programming language is a breakthrough research project from Microsoft Research. Bosque simultaneously supports a high productivity development experience expected by modern cloud developers, coming from say a TypeScript/Node stack, while also providing a resource efficient and predictable runtime with a performance profile similar to a native C++ application. Beyond supporting these, previously conflicting objectives in one language, Bosque also brings an unprecedented tooling ecosystem including zero-effort verification, symbolic testing, dependency management validation, time-travel debugging, and more.

Small samples of code and unique Bosque tooling are below in the Code Snippets and Tooling sections. A rundown of notable and/or unique features in the Bosque language is provided in the language overview section 0. For a look at how the language works and flows in the large please see the code for a simple tic-tac-toe program.

Note: This repository and code represent an alpha state. This means that the language is subject to revision, there are bugs and missing functionality, and the performance is limited. Thus, we do not recommend the use of the Bosque language for any production work and instead encourage experimentation only with small/experimental side projects at this point in time.


Code Snippets

Add 2 numbers:

function add2(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
    return x + y;

add2(2, 3)     //5
add2(x=2, y=3) //5
add2(y=2, 5)   //7

All odd check using rest parameters and lambda:

function allOdd(...args: List<Int>): Bool {
    return args->all(fn(x) => Math::mod(x, 2) == 1);

allOdd(1, 3, 4) //false

Sign (with optional argument):

function sign(x?: Int): Int {
    var! y: Int;

    if(x == none || x == 0) {
        y = 0;
    else {
        y = (x > 0) ? 1 : -1;

    return y;

sign(5)    //1
sign(-5)   //-1
sign()     //0

Nominal Types Data Invariants: [TESTS NEEDED]

concept WithName {
    invariant $name != "";

    field name: String;

concept Greeting {
    abstract method sayHello(): String;

    virtual method sayGoodbye(): String {
        return "goodbye";

entity genericGreeting provides Hello {
    const instance: genericGreeting = genericGreeting@{};

    override method sayHello: String {
        return "hello world";

entity namedGreeting provides WithName, Hello {
    override method sayHello: String {
        return String::concat("hello", " ", this.name);

genericGreeting@{}->sayHello()        //"hello world"
genericGreeting::instance->sayHello() //"hello world"

namedGreeting@{}->sayHello()           //type error no value provided for "name" field
namedGreeting@{name=""}->sayHello()    //invariant error
namedGreeting@{name="bob"}->sayHello() //"hello bob"

Validated and Typed Strings: [TESTS NEEDED]

typedef Letters4 = /\w\w\w\w/;
typedef Digits4 = /\d\d\d\d/;

function fss(s1: SafeString<Digits4>): Bool {
    return s1->string() == "1234";

Digits4::accepts("abcd") //false
Digits4::accepts("1234") //true

fss("1234")                           //type error String is not a SafeString
fss(SafeString<Letters4>::as("abcd")) //type error incompatible SafeString types
fss(Digits4'abcd')                    //type error 'abcd' is incompatible with Digits4 
fss(SafeString<Digits4>::as("abcd"))  //runtime error 'abcd' is incompatible with Digits4

fss(SafeString<Digits4>::as("1234"))  //true
entity ErrorCode provides Parsable {
    field code: Int;
    field name: String;

    override static tryParse(err: String): Result<Any, String> {
        return switch(err) {
            case "IO"     => Result<Any, String>::ok(ErrorCode@{code=1, name=err})
            case "Assert" => Result<Any, String>::ok(ErrorCode@{code=2, name=err})
            case _        => Result<Any, String>::err("Unknown error")

function isIOErr(s: StringOf<ErrorCode>): ErrorCode {
    return s == ErrorCode'IO';

isIOErr("IO")                             //type error not a StringOf<ErrorCode>
isIOErr(ErrorCode'Input')                 //type error not a valid ErrorCode string
isIOErr(StringOf<ErrorCode>::as('Input')) //runtime error not a valid ErrorCode string

isIOErr(ErrorCode'Assert')             //false
isIOErr(StringOf<ErrorCode>::as('IO')) //true

var ec: ErrorCode = StringOf<ErrorCode>@'IO';
assert(ec.code == 1); //true

Structural, Nominal, and Union Types [TESTS NEEDED]

entity Person {
    field name: String; 

function foo(arg?: {f: Int, n?: String} | String | Person): String {
    if(arg->is<Tuple>()) {
        return arg.n ?| "Blank";
    else {
        return switch(arg) {
            type None => "N/A"
            type String => arg
            type Person => arg.name

foo()                    //"N/A"
foo("Bob")               //Bob
foo(Person@{name="Bob"}) //Bob
foo({f=5})               //"Blank"
foo({f=1, n="Bob"})      //"Bob"

Foo({g=1, n="Bob"}) //Missing f property
foo(none) //Error

Pre/Post Conditions

entity Animal {
    invariant $says != "";

    field says: String;

function createAnimal(catchPhrase: String): Animal
    return Animal@{says=catchPhrase};

function createAnimal(catchPhrase: String): Animal
    requires catchPhrase != "";
    return Animal@{says=catchPhrase};

function createAnimalPreSafe(catchPhrase: String): Animal
    requires release catchPhrase != "";
    return Animal@{says=catchPhrase};

typedef ErrData = {msg: String, data?: Any};

entrypoint function getSays(animal: String, catchPhrase: String): Result<String, ErrData?>
    validate animal != "" or return  Result<String, ErrData>::err({ msg="Invalid animal" });
    validate catchPhrase != "" or return Result<String, ErrData>::err({ msg="Invalid catchPhrase" });
    return String::concat("The ", animal, " says ", createAnimal::(catchPhrase).says);

createAnimal("woof woof") //ok always
createAnimal("")          //fails invariant in debug
createAnimalPre("")       //fails precondition in debug *but not* release
createAnimalPreSafe("")   //fails precondition in all build flavors

getSays("dog", "woof") //Ok<String, ErrData>@{value="The dog says woof"}
getSays("", "woof") //Err<String, ErrData>@{error={ msg="Invalid animal" }}
getSays("dog", "") //Err<String, ErrData>@{error={ msg="Invalid catchPhrase" }}

API Types



Symbolic Testing

Bosque provides a powerful new way to test your applications. Unit-testing is a great way to ensure that code works as expected and to prevent accidental changes to behavior when adding new features or fixing bugs. However, writing and maintaining large numbers of tests can be a tedious and time consuming task. To help with this Bosque provides a symbolic testing harness that augments unit-testing and provides high coverage for bugs that result in runtime failures – arising either as builtin language errors or from failed user provided pre/post/invariant/assert conditions.


The symtest tool implements the symbolic testing algorithm and works as follows. Given the application shown below:

namespace NSMain;

global _ops: Set<String> = Set<String>@{

entrypoint function processOp(op: String, arg1: Int, arg2: Int?): Int 
    requires release NSMain::_ops->has(op);
    //requires release (op == "add" || op == "sub") ==> arg2 != none;
    if(op == "negate") {
        return -arg1;
    else {
        assert(arg2 != none);

        if(op == "add") {
            return arg1 + arg2;
        else {
            return arg1 - arg2;

Assuming this code is in a file called process_op.bsq then we can run the following command to check for errors:

> node bin\runtimes\symtest\symtest.js process_op.bsq

Which will report that an error is possible.

Re-running the symbolic tested with model generation on as follows:

> node bin\runtimes\symtest\symtest.js -m division.bsq

Will report that an error is possible when op == "negate" and arg2 == none. Note that the tester was aware of the precondition requires _ops.has(op) and so did not generate any spurious failing test inputs (such as op="").

Un-commenting the second requires line tells the tester that this, and similar errors are excluded by the API definition, and re-running the tester will now report that the code has been verified up to the bound.

Note: we recommend specifying preconditions as always checked, requires release, on entrypoint functions to ensure that these externally exposed API endpdoints are not misused.

More details on this symbolic checker can be found in the readme.

Ahead-of-Time Compilation

To provide the best performance Bosque supports the generation of standalone command-line executables via the ExeGen tool. This tool, and the design of the Bosque runtime, are designed to provide:

  1. Fast cold start response time by precompiling startup logic directly into constant values whenever possible and minimizing the number of operations required to start handling user input.
  2. Stable execution behavior over time and possible inputs.
    • The GC is a novel reference counting with eager free implementation to minimize memory footprint and prevent any indeterminate GC jitter.
    • The runtime itself uses sorted container implementations for Sets/Maps so that the variance between average and worst case costs of operations is minimized and to protect against pathological behaviors (like extreme hash-code collisions).
  3. Safe recursion is available with the [TODO] flag. This compiles recursive functions into a CPS form that uses constant stack space, eliminating any possible Out-of-Stack issues, and allows us to preserve the full call-stack in all debug builds.

A simple example use is to create a file called “max.bsq” with the following code:

namespace NSMain;

entrypoint function main(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
    return (x > y) ? x : y;

Then run the following command to produce the max.exe (on Windows executable) which can then be invoked with:

> node ref_impl\bin\runtimes\exegen\exegen.js -o max.exe max.bsq

Which will create an executable named max.exe in the current directory.

Running this executable:

> max.exe 1 5

Will output 5.

More details on the exeGen tool can be found in the readme.

Using the Bosque Language

The current focus of the Bosque project is core language design. As a result there is no support for packaging, deployment, lifecycle management, etc.


In order to build the language the following are needed:

  • 64 bit Operating System
  • The LTS version of node.js ( According to your OS )
  • Typescript (install with: npm i typescript -g)
  • A C++ compiler – by default clang on Windows and g++ on Linux/Mac

Build & Test

The ref_impl directory contains the reference implementation parser, type checker, interpreter, and command line runner. In this directory, build and test the Bosque reference implementation with:

npm install && npm test

Note: the Z3 theorem prover is provided as a binary dependency in the repo via git LFS. To ensure these are present you will need to have git LFS installed, run git lfs install to setup the needed hooks, and pull.

Visual Studio Code Integration

This repository provides basic Visual Studio Code IDE support for the Bosque language (currently limited to syntax and brace highlighting). The installation requires manually copying the full bosque-language-tools/ folder into your user .vscode/extensions/ directory and restarting VSCode.


This project welcomes community contributions.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.

Please refer to Contribution Guidelines for more details.


Code licensed under the MIT License.

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