March 13, 2020

816 words 4 mins read



Data preprocessing scripts and preprocessed data storage for COVID-19 Scenarios project

repo name neherlab/covid19_scenarios_data
repo link
language Python
size (curr.) 923 kB
stars (curr.) 23
created 2020-03-18
license Other


This repository serves as the source of observational data for covid19_scenarios. It ingests data from a variety of sources listed in sources.json. For each source there is a parser written in python in the directory parsers. The data is stored as tsv files (tab separated values) for each location or country. These tabular files are mainly meant to enable data curation and storage, while the web application needs json files as input.

The following commands assume that you have clones this repository as covid19_scenarios_data and run these commands from outside this repository. To run the parsers, call

python3 covid19_scenarios_data/ --fetch

This will update the tables and generate new jsons in the assets folder.

To only run specific parsers, run

python3 covid19_scenarios_data/ --fetch --parsers netherlands switzerland

To copy the output jsons to a specific place (e.g. to deploy to an app), run

python3 covid19_scenarios_data/ --fetch \
        --output-cases path/case-counts.json  \
        --output-population path/population.json

To generate the integrated scenario json, run

python3 covid19_scenarios_data/ --fetch \
        --output-cases path/case-counts.json  \
        --output-scenarios path/scenarios.json


Country codes

List of countries associated to regions, subregions, and three letter codes supplied by the U.N.

Population data

List of settings used by the default scenario by COVID-19 epidemic simulation for different regions of interest.

Case count data

Within the directory ./case-counts is a structured set of tsv files containing aggregated data for select country and subregion/city. We welcome contributions to keep this data up to date. The format chosen is:

time    cases   deaths   hospitalized    ICU     recovered
2020-03-14 ...

We are actively looking for people to supply data to be used for our modeling!

Contributing and curating data:

Adding case count data for a new region:

The steps to follow are:

Identify a source for case counts data that is updated frequently (at least daily) as outbreak evolves.
  • Write a script that downloads and converts raw data into TSV format
    • Columns: [time, cases, deaths, hospitalized, ICU, recovered]
    • Important: all columns must be cumulative data.
    • The time column must be a string formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
    • Try to keep the same order of columns for hygiene, although it should not ultimately matter
    • If data is missing, please leave the entry empty
    • Use the store_data() function in utils to store the data into .tsv and .json files automatically
  • Place the script into the parsers directory
    • The name should correspond to the region name desired in the scenario.
    • There must be a function parse() defined that calls store_data() from utils
  • Ensure that the path provided to store_data() is well formatted
    • The structure of the directory is Region/Sub-Region/Country/
    • Region and Sub-Region are designated as per the U.N.
    • U.N. designations are found within country_codes.csv
    • Please use only the U.N. designated name for the country, region, and sub-region.
Update the sources.json file to contain all relevant metadata.
  • The three fields are:
    • primarySource = The URL/path to the raw data
    • dataProvenance = The organization behind the data collection
    • license = The license governing the usage of data
Add populations data for the additional regions/states.

Case count data is most useful when tied to data on the population it refers to. To ensure new case counts are correctly included in the population presets, add a line to the populationData.tsv for each new region (see Adding/editing population data for a country and/or region below).

Updating/editing case count data for the existing region:

We note that this option is not preferred relative to a script that automatically updates as outlined above. However, if there is no accessible data sources, one can manually enter the data. To do so

Commit a manually entered file into the correct directory
  • The structure of the directory is Region/Sub-Region/Country/
  • Region and Sub-Region are designated as per the U.N.
  • U.N. designations are found within country_codes.csv
  • Please use only the U.N. designated name for the country, region, and sub-region.

Adding/editing population data for a country and/or region:

As of now all data used to initialize scenarios used by our model is found within populationData.tsv It has the following form:

name    populationServed    ageDistribution hospitalBeds    ICUBeds suspectedCaseMarch1st   importsPerDay
Switzerland ...
  • Names: the U.N. designated name found within country_codes.csv
    • For a sub-region/city, please prefix the name with the three letter country code of the containing country. See country_codes.csv for the correct letters.
  • populationServed: a number with the population size
  • ageDistribution: name of the country the region is within. Must be U.N. designated name
  • hospitalBeds: number of hospital beds within the region
  • ICUBeds: number of ICU beds
  • suspectedCasesMarch1st: The number of cases thought to be within the region on March 1st.
  • importsPerDay: number of suspected import cases per day

At least one of suspectedCasesMarch1st and importsPerDay needs to be non-zero. Otherwise there is no outbreak (good news in principle, but not useful for exploring scenarios).



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