October 11, 2019

1268 words 6 mins read



A collection of as simple as possible, modern CMake projects

repo name pr0g/cmake-examples
repo link https://github.com/pr0g/cmake-examples
language CMake
size (curr.) 82 kB
stars (curr.) 674
created 2019-03-09
license MIT License

Modern CMake Examples


This repository is a collection of as simple as possible CMake projects (with a focus on installing). The idea is to try and help understand exactly what each part of a CMakeLists.txt file does and why it is needed.

This is basically intended as a series of reminders to help me remember how to use CMake 🤦

Please see the Core Example README for steps on using the example libraries and the Installing README for an overview of installing CMake libraries. The More Example section contains slightly more complex examples and will continue to grow.


I am NOT a CMake expert - these examples may contain gaffs, faux pas, mistakes etc etc.. Please take everything with a pinch of salt and if you recognize a blatant error or mistake please feel free to create an issue or PR.


For the longest time I just didn’t grok installing in CMake1.

I didn’t understand why you’d ever want to do it, or what it was useful for. When I started looking into how to do it I could not make head nor tail of all the various install commands. While trying to figure all this stuff out I was immersing myself in trying to learn Modern CMake (targets, targets targets…) and how these two things are related.

The examples in this repo are the culmination of many months of sporadic research to try and understand CMake more fully and write better CMake scripts.

I’m sharing my journey so far to hopefully help some other poor soul who is in the same boat I’m in. With any luck there will be something someone finds useful here.

For an explanation2 of what (in the context of CMake) installing is, please see the installing section and take a look at the various example projects for context.

  1. I recently discovered a kindred spirit on reddit
  2. My interpretation?


While using CMake over the last several months I’ve stumbled across a few useful little bits and bobs that I feel are worth recording/sharing.

Less cd-ing

To run CMake from your source directory (instead of having to mkdir build && cd build) you can pass -S and the path to your source folder (most likely just . for where you currently are) and -B to specify the build folder.

cd <project/root>
cmake -S . -B build/

You then just need to remember to call

cmake --build build/

to actually build your project.

Note: The -S option was added to CMake in version 3.13. Before then you could use the undocumented -H option. I’d recommend sticking with -S now if you can 🙂.


You should absolutely use -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON when generating your project to have CMake create a compile_commands.json file for you. This is useful for all sorts of tools (clang-tidy, cppcheck, oclint, include-what-you-use etc etc…)

# from the build/ folder


Sometimes it’s really useful to be able to set defines at the command line when running the CMake generator. An easy way to do this is to add a simple generator expression to your CMakeLists.txt file in target_compile_definitions.


In your code you can then use this define for some sort of conditional compilation.

// something useful
#endif // YOUR_DEFINE

And when invoking cmake you can pass a CMake variable like so if you want that macro to be defined.

# from the build/ folder
cmake -DYOUR_DEFINE ..

If you don’t pass the variable then the generator expression will evaluate to false and no define will be added.

Extra Output

Sometimes when building with CMake to diagnose an issue you might want more info about exactly what’s being compiled. You can see everything that’s passed to the compiler when building with the -- VERBOSE flag.

# from the build/ folder
cmake --build . -- VERBOSE=1

CMake Resources

I’ve been attempting to learn CMake for a while and have built up quite a list of articles/blogs/documentation that have helped inform my understanding up to this point. Please see them listed below (mainly for my benefit so I have them all in one place).



Stack Overflow




  • Cpplang Slack #cmake channel
    • There’s some super helpful people on there, the search functionality is great too (someone likely will have had your problem before 😉).
  • vector-of-bool
    • Was incredibly kind in answering some of my dumb CMake questions - thank you!
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