January 11, 2021

210 words 1 min read



Python code for "Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective" (2nd edition)

repo name probml/pyprobml
repo link https://github.com/probml/pyprobml
language Jupyter Notebook
size (curr.) 206114 kB
stars (curr.) 2830
created 2016-08-17
license MIT License


Python 3 code for my new book series Probabilistic Machine Learning. This is work in progress, so expect rough edges.

Jupyter notebooks

For each chapter there are one or more accompanying Jupyter notebooks that cover some of the material in more detail. When you open a notebook, there will be a button at the top that says ‘Open in colab’. If you click on this, it will start a virtual machine (VM) instance on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), running Colab. This has most of the libraries you will need (e.g., scikit-learn, JAX) pre-installed, and gives you access to a free GPU.

Book 1 (PML: An Introduction)

See this link for a list of notebooks.

Book 2 (PML: Advanced topics)

See this link for a list of notebooks.

Scripts to make figures

Many of the figures in the book are generated by these scripts. To manually execute an individual script from the command line, follow this example:

export PYPROBML=/Users/kpmurphy/github/pyprobml // set this to the directory where you downloaded this repo
python3 scripts/softmax_plot.py // writes to /Users/kpmurphy/github/pyprobml/figures/softmax_temp.pdf
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