October 27, 2018

299 words 2 mins read



Open source Uber #deleteuber

repo name ro31337/libretaxi
repo link https://github.com/ro31337/libretaxi
homepage https://t.me/libretaxi_bot
language Go
size (curr.) 978 kB
stars (curr.) 3411
created 2016-04-21
license GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

LibreTaxi v2, #deleteuber

Roses are red
violets are blue
workers are tired of getting exploited
and we're all coming for you

LibreTaxi is open-source Uber proof-of-concept that works though Telegram.

See it in action: https://t.me/libretaxi_bot

Public feed: https://t.me/libretaxi_all

It is closer to Craigslist rideshare rather than Uber, but it works, and works great! The app that is easy to use, supports multiple languages, fast and cool. There are tens of thousands users worldwide, and we’re on the way to 1M users. So please spread the word!


  1. Install Go
  2. Install Go dep
  3. Download the repo to ~/go/src/libretaxi
  4. Install Docker with docker-compose
  5. Run PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ with default credentials (see connection strings below)
docker-compose up -d

Setting up RabbitMQ (for development and production)

rabbitmq:3-management contains UI plugin for queue management. Plugin port is 8080 (15672 in container). Login guest/guest.

Login to RabbitUI here: http://localhost:8080

There is only one queue at the moment:

  • messages queue, http://localhost:8080/#/queues/%2F/messages - picked up by message handler, enqueued by libretaxi

Note that there is one message producer, and one message consumer threads (goroutines) in application.

Port 5672 is RabbitMQ itself.

LibreTaxi settings

Init settings for ./libretaxi.yml:

telegram_token: YOUR_TOKEN
db_conn_str: postgres://libretaxi:libretaxi@localhost:15432/libretaxi
rabbit_url: amqp://
admin_channel_chat_id: -1001324105405
public_channel_chat_id: -1001470847849

Admin channel is the place where you shadow ban spamers. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/41779623/337085 for how to get id for you private channel. You’ll need to invite @get_id_bot and type /my_id@get_id_bot. You’ll see chat id.


When all services are running, run libretaxi:

dep ensure # or ~/go/bin/dep ensure
go build
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