May 27, 2019

1087 words 6 mins read



Use HTTP2 the same way like HTTP1

repo name szmarczak/http2-wrapper
repo link
language JavaScript
size (curr.) 81 kB
stars (curr.) 154
created 2018-08-11
license MIT License


HTTP2 client, just with the familiar https API

Node CI Coverage Status npm install size

This package was created to support HTTP2 without the need to rewrite your code. I recommend adapting to the http2 module if possible - it’s much simpler to use and has many cool features!

Tip: http2-wrapper is very useful when you rely on other modules that use the HTTP1 API and you want to support HTTP2.

Pro Tip: While the native http2 doesn’t have agents yet, you can use http2-wrapper Agents and still operate on the native HTTP2 streams.


$ npm install http2-wrapper $ yarn add http2-wrapper

The latest recommended Node.js version is 13.8.0.
Please do not use newer non-LTS versions as they have many bugs which haven’t been fixed yet.


const http2 = require('http2-wrapper');

const options = {
	hostname: '',
	protocol: 'https:',
	path: '/httpbin/post',
	method: 'POST',
	headers: {
		'content-length': 6

const request = http2.request(options, response => {
	console.log('statusCode:', response.statusCode);
	console.log('headers:', response.headers);

	const body = [];
	response.on('data', chunk => {
	response.on('end', () => {
		console.log('body:', Buffer.concat(body).toString());

request.on('error', e => console.error(e));


// statusCode: 200
// headers: [Object: null prototype] {
//   ':status': 200,
//   date: 'Fri, 27 Sep 2019 19:45:46 GMT',
//   'content-type': 'application/json',
//   'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
//   'access-control-allow-credentials': 'true',
//   'content-length': '239',
//   'x-backend-header-rtt': '0.002516',
//   'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000',
//   server: 'nghttpx',
//   via: '1.1 nghttpx',
//   'alt-svc': 'h3-23=":4433"; ma=3600',
//   'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
//   'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block',
//   'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff'
// }
// body: {
//   "args": {},
//   "data": "123456",
//   "files": {},
//   "form": {},
//   "headers": {
//     "Content-Length": "6",
//     "Host": ""
//   },
//   "json": 123456,
//   "origin": "",
//   "url": ""
// }


Note: The session option was renamed to tlsSession for better readability., options, callback)

Performs ALPN negotiation. Returns a Promise giving proper ClientRequest instance (depending on the ALPN).

Note: The agent option represents an object with http, https and http2 properties.

const http2 = require('http2-wrapper');

const options = {
	hostname: '',
	protocol: 'http:', // Note the `http:` protocol here
	path: '/post',
	method: 'POST',
	headers: {
		'content-length': 6

(async () => {
	try {
		const request = await, response => {
			console.log('statusCode:', response.statusCode);
			console.log('headers:', response.headers);

			const body = [];
			response.on('data', chunk => body.push(chunk));
			response.on('end', () => {
				console.log('body:', Buffer.concat(body).toString());

		request.on('error', console.error);

	} catch (error) {

// statusCode: 200
// headers: { connection: 'close',
//   server: 'gunicorn/19.9.0',
//   date: 'Sat, 15 Dec 2018 18:19:32 GMT',
//   'content-type': 'application/json',
//   'content-length': '259',
//   'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
//   'access-control-allow-credentials': 'true',
//   via: '1.1 vegur' }
// body: {
//   "args": {},
//   "data": "123456",
//   "files": {},
//   "form": {},
//   "headers": {
//     "Connection": "close",
//     "Content-Length": "6",
//     "Host": ""
//   },
//   "json": 123456,
//   "origin": "",
//   "url": ""
// }

An instance of quick-lru used for ALPN cache.

There is a maximum of 100 entries. You can modify the limit through protocolCache.maxSize - note that the change will be visible globally.

http2.request(url, options, callback)

Same as https.request.


Type: boolean Default: true

If set to true, it will try to connect to the server before sending the request.


Type: Http2Session

The session used to make the actual request. If none provided, it will use options.agent.

http2.get(url, options, callback)

Same as https.get.

new http2.ClientRequest(url, options, callback)

Same as https.ClientRequest.

new http2.IncomingMessage(socket)

Same as https.IncomingMessage.

new http2.Agent(options)

Note: this is not compatible with the classic http.Agent.

Usage example:

const http2 = require('http2-wrapper');

class MyAgent extends http2.Agent {
	createConnection(origin, options) {
		console.log(`Connecting to ${http2.Agent.normalizeOrigin(origin)}`);
		return http2.Agent.connect(origin, options);

	hostname: '',
	agent: new MyAgent()
}, res => {
	res.on('data', chunk => console.log(`Received chunk of ${chunk.length} bytes`));


Each option is assigned to each Agent instance and can be changed later.


Type: number Default: 60000

If there’s no activity after timeout milliseconds, the session will be closed.


Type: number Default: Infinity

The maximum amount of sessions per origin.


Type: number Default: 1

The maximum amount of free sessions per origin.


Type: number Default: 100

The maximum amount of cached TLS sessions.


Returns a string representing the origin of the URL.


Type: object Default: {enablePush: false}

Settings used by the current agent instance.


Returns a string representing normalized options.

Agent.normalizeOptions({servername: ''});
// => ''

agent.getSession(origin, options)


Type: string URL object

An origin used to create new session.


Type: object

The options used to create new session.

Returns a Promise giving free Http2Session. If no free sessions are found, a new one is created.

agent.getSession(origin, options, listener)


Type: object

	reject: error => void,
	resolve: session => void

If the listener argument is present, the Promise will resolve immediately. It will use the resolve function to pass the session.

agent.request(origin, options, headers)

Returns a Promise giving Http2Stream.

agent.createConnection(origin, options)

Returns a new TLSSocket. It defaults to Agent.connect(origin, options).


Makes an attempt to close free sessions. Only sessions with 0 concurrent streams will be closed.


Destroys all sessions.

Event: ‘session’

agent.on('session', session => {
	// A new session has been created by the Agent.



CPU: Intel i7-7700k (governor: performance) Server: H2O v2.2.5 h2o.conf Node: v13.8.0

auto means

http2-wrapper                         x 12,417 ops/sec ±3.72% (83 runs sampled)
http2-wrapper - preconfigured session x 14,517 ops/sec ±1.39% (83 runs sampled)
http2-wrapper - auto                  x 11,373 ops/sec ±3.17% (84 runs sampled)
http2                                 x 16,172 ops/sec ±1.21% (85 runs sampled)
https         - auto - keepalive      x 13,251 ops/sec ±3.84% (79 runs sampled)
https                - keepalive      x 13,158 ops/sec ±2.88% (78 runs sampled)
https                                 x 1,618 ops/sec  ±2.07%  (82 runs sampled)
http                                  x 5,922 ops/sec  ±2.87%  (79 runs sampled)
Fastest is http2


  • 23% less performant than http2
  • 6% less performant than https - keepalive
  • 110% more performant than http

http2-wrapper - preconfigured session:

  • 10% less performant than http2
  • 10% more performant than https - keepalive
  • 145% more performant than http

http2-wrapper - auto:

  • 30% less performant than http2
  • 14% less performant than https - keepalive
  • 92% more performant than http

https - auto - keepalive:

  • 18% less performant than http2
  • as performant as https - keepalive
  • 124% more performant than http
  • got - Simplified HTTP requests



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