September 21, 2019

162 words 1 min read



Jupyter notebook widget to quickly label text data

repo name tchambon/LabelMyTextWidget
repo link
language Jupyter Notebook
size (curr.) 62 kB
stars (curr.) 39
created 2019-01-30


LabelMyTextWidget is an iPythonWidget to quickly label text data.

This goal of this project is to speed up and simplify the process of manual labeling.

The widget provides a minimalist interface to review each row of a pandas dataframe and apply a label to it.

GIF showing the widget

How to use the widget

A Jupyter notebook is at the root of the repository, and it contains an example.

How to install it

For the time being, you have to download the folder LabelMyTextWidget and put it in your project folder. Better installation options and packaging will come soon.


A python environnement with Jupyter notebook, pandas and numpy is required. The best is to use the Anaconda distribution with Python 3.

Besides that, the following should be installed:

pip install ipywidgets

jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
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