January 14, 2019

214 words 2 mins read



Markdown in , in Markdown

repo name Thinkmill/react-markings
repo link https://github.com/Thinkmill/react-markings
homepage http://thejameskyle.com/react-markings
language JavaScript
size (curr.) 74 kB
stars (curr.) 910
created 2017-08-22
license MIT License

Recommendation: Use MDX, it’s the same thing, but better

(Although this library may be easier for you to integrate while MDX tools get built)


Markdown in components, components in markdown

  • Allows you to write markdown using commonmark.js
  • Renders markdown as React elements using commonmark-react-renderer
  • Embed React components inside your markdown (in any paragraph position) like this:
import * as React from 'react';
import md from 'react-markings';

function Example() {
  return (

export default function ReadMe() {
  return md`
    # react-markings

    > Markdown in components, components in markdown

    - Allows you to write markdown using [commonmark.js](https://github.com/commonmark/commonmark.js)
    - Renders markdown as React elements using [commonmark-react-renderer](https://github.com/rexxars/commonmark-react-renderer)
    - Embed React components inside your markdown (in any paragraph position) like this:


If you want to customize rendering further, you can use customize to pass your own renderers.

import * as React from 'react';
import md from 'react-markings';

let customMd = md.customize({
  renderers: {
    // customize heading with class
    heading: props => React.createElement('h' + props.level, { className: 'fancy-heading' }, props.children),

export default function CustomHeading() {
  return customMd`
    # Fancy Heading
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