January 11, 2021

354 words 2 mins read



An autoML framework & toolkit for machine learning on graphs.

repo name THUMNLab/AutoGL
repo link https://github.com/THUMNLab/AutoGL
homepage http://mn.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/AutoGL/
language Python
size (curr.) 193 kB
stars (curr.) 566
created 2020-11-30
license MIT License

Auto Graph Learning

An autoML framework & toolkit for machine learning on graphs.

Actively under development by @THUMNLab

Feel free to open issues or contact us at autogl@tsinghua.edu.cn if you have any comments or suggestions!

Code style: black Documentation Status


AutoGL is developed for researchers and developers to quickly conduct autoML on the graph datasets & tasks. See our documentation for detailed information!

The workflow below shows the overall framework of AutoGL.

AutoGL uses datasets to maintain dataset for graph-based machine learning, which is based on Dataset in PyTorch Geometric with some support added to corporate with the auto solver framework.

Different graph-based machine learning tasks are solved by different AutoGL solvers, which make use of four main modules to automatically solve given tasks, namely auto feature engineer, auto model, hyperparameter optimization, and auto ensemble.

Currently, the following algorithms are supported in AutoGL:

This toolkit also serves as a platform for users to implement and test their own autoML or graph-based machine learning models.



Please make sure you meet the following requirements before installing AutoGL.

  1. Python >= 3.6.0

  2. PyTorch (>=1.5.1)

    see https://pytorch.org/ for installation.

  3. PyTorch Geometric

    see https://pytorch-geometric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notes/installation.html for installation.


Install from pip

Run the following command to install this package through pip.

pip install auto-graph-learning

Install from source

Run the following command to install this package from the source.

git clone https://github.com/THUMNLab/AutoGL.git
cd AutoGL
python setup.py install

Install for development

If you are a developer of the AutoGL project, please use the following command to create a soft link, then you can modify the local package without install them again.

pip install -e .


Please refer to our documentation to see the detailed documentation.

You can also make the documentation locally. First, please install sphinx and sphinx-rtd-theme:

pip install -U Sphinx
pip install sphinx-rtd-theme

Then, make an html documentation by:

cd docs
make clean && make html

The documentation will be automatically generated under docs/_build/html


We follow MIT license across the entire codebase.

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