June 17, 2019

372 words 2 mins read



Vapid is an intentionally simple content management system built on the idea that you can create a custom dashboard without ever leaving the HTML.

repo name vapid/vapid
repo link https://github.com/vapid/vapid
homepage https://www.vapid.com
language CSS
size (curr.) 2023 kB
stars (curr.) 1433
created 2017-12-11
license MIT License

Vapid is an intentionally simple content management system built on the idea that you can create a custom dashboard without ever leaving the HTML.



Vapid requires node v8.9.0 or higher, and can be installed via npm

npm install -g @vapid/cli

Note: A desktop GUI application is coming soon—please add yourself to the mailing list if you’d like to be notified when that is available.


To create a new website project, use the Vapid command line tool:

vapid new path/to/project/folder

Then change to the project directory, and start the development server. By default, the server will livereload, and refresh your website as you change the source files.

cd path/to/project/folder
vapid start .

A few files and folders you should be aware of:

File/Folder Description
www Your website files. Anything you put in here is an accessible resource, with the exceptions of files that start with underscores or periods—those are private/special. Sass and JS files that have the .pack.js, .pack.scss, or .pack.sass extensions will be compiled by Webpack.
data SQLite database file, and uploaded images. In general, you do not want to mess with this folder.
node_modules This one should also be ignored.
package.json Information about your project, including Vapid configuration options.
.env A private file that contains server environment variables, like the SECRET_KEY used by the web server.


Vapid can be deployed to any hosting service that supports Node.js. Here are a few to consider:

Service Notes
Heroku Free or paid tiers. One thing to note is that Heroku’s file system is ephemeral, so Vapid’s type=image directives won’t work here.
Glitch The easiest way to take Vapid for a test-drive.

Or, use the vapid build command to export to a static website, and host on S3, Surge, or the like.


If you’d like to get involved, and help improve Vapid:



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