October 16, 2019

252 words 2 mins read



Serverless CMS (GraphQL + React + Node.js + AWS Lambda)

repo name webiny/webiny-js
repo link https://github.com/webiny/webiny-js
homepage https://www.webiny.com/
language TypeScript
size (curr.) 124552 kB
stars (curr.) 1960
created 2018-01-09
license MIT License

Prettier license SemVer PRs Welcome Contributor Covenant FOSSA Status Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Webiny/webiny-js All Contributors


Installation instructions can be found in the official docs.


Webiny consists of two layers that work closely together.


API layer works as a collection of Lambda functions with Apollo Federation handling all the GraphQL-related stuff.

Client layer (SPA)

Our client (SPA) layer is based on create-react-app v2 and Apollo Client. If you ever developed using those tools - you already know Webiny 🙂 As our UI library we are using Material Components, and a very promising project RMWC to get going with Material faster. You can see all the currently available components in our storybook.

We also provide a server-side render setup out of the box. It is also powered by Lambda.

Admin app

We provide you with an administration app so you can kickstart your projects much faster and begin developing features for your clients right away. The entire admin app is based on plugins and you can customize everything.


Please see our Contributing Guidelines which explain repo organization, setup, testing, and other steps.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Some packages are under Apache license since they are actually forks of other projects (these are found in components folder).

FOSSA Status


Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

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