March 7, 2020

174 words 1 min read



Intro to Reinforcement Learning (

repo name zhoubolei/introRL
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size (curr.) 7436 kB
stars (curr.) 634
created 2020-03-14

Intro to Reinforcement Learning (强化学习纲要)



This short course will introduce basic concepts of reinforcement learning in a nutshell. Slides will be made in English and lectures will be given by Bolei in Chinese. The course is for entertainment only.

Course Schedule

The short course will be arranged as follows. Lectures 1-8 will be the foundation, the others will be the advanced topics, which are optional.

Topic Resources
Lecture 1 Overview slide, video1, video2
Lecture 2 Markov Decision Process
Lecture 3 Model-free Prediction and Control
Lecture 4 On-policy and Off-policy Learning
Lecture 5 Value Function Approximation
Lecture 6 Policy Optimization: Basics
Lecture 7 Policy Optimization: State of the art
Lecture 8 Model-based RL
Lecture 9 Imitation Learning
Lecture 10 Distributed computing and RL system design
Lecture 11 Case Study on AlphaGo Series
Lecture 12 Case Study on AlphaStar and OpenAI Five
Lecture 13 Unsupervised Learning
Lecture 14 Generative Modeling
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