April 4, 2019

215 words 2 mins read



Plain python implementations of basic machine learning algorithms

repo name zotroneneis/machine_learning_basics
repo link https://github.com/zotroneneis/machine_learning_basics
language Jupyter Notebook
size (curr.) 7078 kB
stars (curr.) 3080
created 2018-02-19
license MIT License

Machine learning basics

This repository contains implementations of basic machine learning algorithms in plain Python (Python Version 3.6+). All algorithms are implemented from scratch without using additional machine learning libraries. The intention of these notebooks is to provide a basic understanding of the algorithms and their underlying structure, not to provide the most efficient implementations.

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Data preprocessing

After several requests I started preparing notebooks on how to preprocess datasets for machine learning. Within the next months I will add one notebook for each kind of dataset (text, images, …). As before, the intention of these notebooks is to provide a basic understanding of the preprocessing steps, not to provide the most efficient implementations.

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If you have a favorite algorithm that should be included or spot a mistake in one of the notebooks, please let me know by creating a new issue.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).

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