June 12, 2021

1481 words 7 mins read



A framework for detecting, highlighting and correcting grammatical errors on natural language text. Created by Prithiviraj Damodaran. Open to pull requests and other forms of collaboration.

repo name PrithivirajDamodaran/Gramformer
repo link https://github.com/PrithivirajDamodaran/Gramformer
language Python
size (curr.) 476 kB
stars (curr.) 510
created 2021-05-26
license Apache License 2.0

PyPI - License Visits Badge


Human and machine generated text often suffer from grammatical and/or typographical errors. It can be spelling, punctuation, grammatical or word choice errors. Gramformer is a library that exposes 3 seperate interfaces to a family of algorithms to detect, highlight and correct grammar errors. To make sure the corrections and highlights recommended are of high quality, it comes with a quality estimator. You can use Gramformer in one or more areas mentioned under the “use-cases” section below or any other usecase as you see fit. Gramformer stands on the shoulders of giants, it combines some of the top notch researches in grammar correction. Note: It works at sentence levels and has been trained on 128 length sentences, so not (yet) suitable for long prose or paragraphs (stay tuned for upcoming releases)

Table of contents

Usecases for Gramformer

Area 1: Post-processing machine generated text

Machine-Language generation is becoming mainstream, so will post-processing machine generated text.

  • Conditioned Text generation output(Text2Text generation).
    • NMT: Machine Translated output.
    • ASR or STT: Speech to text output.
    • HTR: Handwritten text recognition output.
    • Text Summarisation output.
    • Image caption output.
    • Data or key to Text output.
    • Paraphrase generation output.
  • Controlled Text generation output(Text generation with PPLM) [TBD].
  • Free-form text generation output(Text generation)[TBD].

Area 2:Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) text

Area 3:Assisted writing for humans

Area 4:Custom Platform integration

As of today grammatical safety nets for authoring social contents (Post or Comments) or text in messaging platforms is very little (word level correction) or non-existent.The onus is on the author to install tools like grammarly to proof read.

  • Messaging platforms and Social platforms can highlight / correct grammtical errors automatically without altering the meaning or intent.


pip install git+https://github.com/PrithivirajDamodaran/Gramformer.git

Quick Start

Correcter - [Available now]

from gramformer import Gramformer
import torch

def set_seed(seed):
  if torch.cuda.is_available():


gf = Gramformer(models = 2, use_gpu=False) # 0=detector, 1=highlighter, 2=corrector, 3=all 

influent_sentences = [
    "Matt like fish",
    "the collection of letters was original used by the ancient Romans",
    "We enjoys horror movies",
    "Anna and Mike is going skiing",
    "I walk to the store and I bought milk",
    "We all eat the fish and then made dessert",
    "I will eat fish for dinner and drank milk",
    "what be the reason for everyone leave the company",

for influent_sentence in influent_sentences:
    corrected_sentence = gf.correct(influent_sentence)
    print("[Input] ", influent_sentence)
    print("[Correction] ",corrected_sentence[0])
    print("-" *100)
[Input]  Matt like fish
[Correction]  Matt likes fish
[Input]  the collection of letters was original used by the ancient Romans
[Correction]  The collection of letters was originally used by the ancient Romans.
[Input]  We enjoys horror movies
[Correction]  We enjoy horror movies
[Input]  Anna and Mike is going skiing
[Correction]  Anna and Mike are going skiing
[Input]  I walk to the store and I bought milk
[Correction]  I walked to the store and bought milk.
[Input]  We all eat the fish and then made dessert
[Correction]  We all ate the fish and then made dessert
[Input]  I will eat fish for dinner and drank milk
[Correction]  I'll eat fish for dinner and drink milk.
[Input]  what be the reason for everyone leave the company
[Correction]  what can be the reason for everyone to leave the company.

Challenge with generative models

While Gramformer aims to post-process outputs from the generative models, Gramformer itself is a generative model. So the question arises, who will post-process the Gramformer outputs ? (I know, very meta :-)). In general all generative models have the tendency to generate spurious text sometimes, which we cannot control. So to make sure the gramformer grammar corrections (and highlights) are as accurate as possible, A quality estimator (QE) will be added. It can estimate a error correction quality score and use that as a filter on Top-N candidates to return only the best based on the score.

Correcter with QE estimator - [Coming soon !]

from gramformer import Gramformer
gf = Gramformer(models = 2, use_gpu=False) # 0=detector, 1=highlighter, 2=corrector, 3=all 
corrected_sentence = gf.correct(<your input sentence>, filter_by_quality=True, max_candidates=3)

Highlighter - [Coming soon !]

from gramformer import Gramformer
gf = Gramformer(models = 1, use_gpu=False) # 0=detector, 1=highlighter, 2=corrector, 3=all 
highlighted_sentence = gf.highlight(<your input sentence>)
[Input]  Matt like fish
[Highlight]  Matt <e> like </e> fish
[Input]  the collection of letters was original used by the ancient Romans
[Highlight]  the collection of letters was <e> original used </e> by the ancient Romans
[Input]  We enjoys horror movies
[Highlight]  We <e> enjoys horror </e> movies
[Input]  Anna and Mike is going skiing
[Highlight]  Anna and Mike <e> is going </e> skiing
[Input]  I walk to the store and I bought milk
[Highlight]  I <e> walk to </e> the store and I bought milk
[Input]  We all eat the fish and then made dessert
[Highlight]  We all <e> eat the </e> fish and then made dessert
[Input]  I will eat fish for dinner and drank milk
[Highlight]  I will eat fish for dinner and <e> drank milk </e> 
[Input]  what be the reason for everyone leave the company
[Highlight]  <e> what be </e> the reason <e> for everyone </e> <e> leave the </e> company
[Input]  One of the most important issue is the lack of parking spaces at the local mall.
[Highlight]  One of the most important <e> issue is </e> the lack of parking spaces at the local mall.
[Input]  The survey we performed recently showed that most of customers are satisfied.
[Highlight]  The survey we performed recently showed that most <e> of customers </e> are satisfied.
[Input]  I’ve loved classical music ever since I was child.
[Highlight]  I’ve loved classical music ever since I <e> was child </e>.

Detector - [Coming soon !]

from gramformer import Gramformer
gf = Gramformer(models = 0, use_gpu=False) # 0=detector, 1=highlighter, 2=corrector, 3=all 
grammar_fluency_score = gf.detect(<your input sentence>)


Model Type Return status
prithivida/grammar_error_detector Classifier Label WIP (Reuse prithivida/parrot_fluency_on_BERT ? but I would’d say you wait :-))
prithivida/grammar_error_highlighter Seq2Seq Grammar errors enclosed in <e> and </e> WIP
prithivida/grammar_error_correcter Seq2Seq The corrected sentence Beta / Pre-release
prithivida/grammar_error_correcter_v1 Seq2Seq The corrected sentence Stable


  • First idea is to generate the dataset using the techniques mentioned in the first paper highlighted in reference section. You can use the technique on anyone of the publicy available wikipedia edits datasets. Write some rules to filter only the grammatical edits, do some cleanup and thats it Bob’s your uncle :-).
  • Second and possibly very complicated and $$$ way to get some 200M synthetic sentences. This is based on the last paper under references section. Not recommended but by all means knock yourself out if you are interested :-) (Update: I got my hands on all the 200M of them) - Available under CC-BY-4.0 License
  • Third source is to repurpose the GEC Task data
  • Fourth source is from the paper “Parallel Iterative Edit Models for Local Sequence Transduction” (EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019) - Available under MIT License
  • For the beta / pre-release experiments, I generated error edit pairs from 1st source and on top of that used W&I+LOCNESS from the 3rd source to filter the pairs with grammatical edits only. W&I+LOCNESS was used to harvest different patterns of grammar errors and is available as a Huggingface dataset.
  • I ended up with ~1M records and after some heurtistics based filtering amounted to ~1/2M records.
  • [Update] In the stable release I am using slices of data from sources 1, 2 and 4 listed above. Because sources 2 and 4 have large volume/variety and doesn’t need expensive filtering process like in the case of source 1. (The stable model is the one in the above table with a suffix v1). In the stable release the edit pairs from source 1 are filtered using the POS tag disagreement techniques mentioned in the last paper in reference.

Note on commercial uses and release versions

  • The any releases <= v1.0 is NOT intended for any commercial usage.
  • Stable releases > v1.0 and current release is v1.2


TBD (I will benchmark grammformer models against the following publicy available models: salesken/grammar_correction, Grammarly GECTOR and flexudy/t5-small-wav2vec2-grammar-fixer shortly.




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