January 31, 2020

480 words 3 mins read



Books, papers and links to latest research in ML/AI

repo name vinsis/math-and-ml-notes
repo link https://github.com/vinsis/math-and-ml-notes
language Jupyter Notebook
size (curr.) 2224 kB
stars (curr.) 66
created 2019-09-11
license MIT License

Links to some important research papers or links. I plan to add notes as I go through each topic one by one.

✔ 1. Information theory based (unsupervised) learning

New from NIPS 2019

2. Disentangled representations

3. Contrastive Coding

✔ 4. Automatic differentiation

5. NNs and ODEs

6. Probabilistic Programming

7. Miscellaneous

Memorization in neural networks

Online Learning

Graph Neural Networks

Normalizing Flows



8. Theory of neural networks

Lottery tickets


9. Advanced Variational Inference

10. Causal Inference

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